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Maintenance has completed successfully.
Software-Update of third party software of our partner G&W will take place (California.Pro and BIM2AVA). Please allow updates by disconnecting your sessions before the maintenance period. During the maintenance the system might get restarted which might affect availability. Please note: You might need a separate maintenance contract for third party updates.
Maintenance is now in progress.
Periodic installation of windows updates on multi-user-packages (VDI) with active managed service: During the maintenance period target systems might get restarted which might affect the availability including a short downtime.
Maintenance is now in progress
Currently, only regional problems with accessibility are reported at Internet providers. These should also be resolved shortly.
The oneclick platform and connected services can be reached normally.
We thank you for your patience.
From the Vodafone network, oneclick can be reached normally again.
We are currently still aware of disruptions from the Deutsche Telekom and SwissCom networks.
We are continuing to monitor the situation.
There are currently still accessibility problems from the Vodafone, Deutsche Telekom and Swisscom networks. We are continuing to monitor the situation.
In most regions and with most Internet service providers, the oneclick platform is available again as normal. Currently, only a few Internet service providers still have problems with the accessibility of our platform, e.g. from the Vodafone network. We have informed the providers and are waiting for their feedback.
We have localized the problem at the DNS provider and are actively supporting the fix. In most regions and with most Internet service providers, our platform is available again. Currently, there are still known problems with accessibility from the Vodafone network, among others.
Due to a service outage at a DNS service provider, parts of our oneclick platform are temporarily unavailable. We have localized the problem at the DNS provider and are actively supporting the fix. We apologize for the inconvenience and will contact you shortly when our services are available as usual.
The provider Contabo announces that the problem has been solved. All systems should be online and available again.
The provider Contabo announces that the problem still exists in its data center in Germany, but its technicians are already fixing the issue.
The provider Contabo announces that the problem still exists in its data center in Germany, but its technicians have already identified the problem.
We are currently experiencing issues with infrastructure and management layer of the cloud provider Contabo in data centers in Germany. Some servers and services may not be available until the issue is resolved. We are currently monitoring this incident. Further information can be found on Contabo's statuspage: https://contabo-status.de/
We just resolved the issue! oneclick core infrastructure in Open Telekom Cloud (OTC) is 100% operational again. We apologise for any inconvenience experienced.
We implemented a fix and currently monitoring the result.
We have noticed that some server systems are currently only accessible with restrictions. Our devops team is investigating the incident and working on a solution.
We are currently investigating this incident.
General Maintenance of Managed Service, Managed Backup and Managed Security packages. Testing current Windows Updates and review of known security issues.
Jul 2022 to Sep 2022